Leitner center courses

Master of Laws in International Law and Justice

Fordham Law offers an LL.M. Program in International Law and Justice, during which lawyers gain an advanced understanding of human rights protection and promotion at the international, regional and domestic levels, from its historical evolution to the forefront of cutting-edge scholarship and debate. The LL.M. Program seeks to enroll international students, particularly from Asia, Africa and Latin America, in the hopes that the Program may contribute to diversity in the student-body and enrich classroom experiences for all Fordham Law School students.

In order to facilitate the participation of students from the global south, the Leitner Center’s Vivian Leitner Global South LL.M. Scholars Program  supports up to four students with cost-of-living stipends. Tuition is also waived through this program. For more information about the program, visit its webpage.


Course Offerings

Fordham Law School offers an extensive human rights curricula, including seminars, colloquia, and clinics. The following list provides a sample of the courses that offer students the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of major human rights issues and the system of international human rights protections (not all courses are offered in all years, please visit the Law School Registrar for the latest course schedule).


In addition to these courses, three Fordham Law School clinics are housed at the Leitner Center: The International Human Rights Clinic, the International Law and Development in Africa Clinic, and the Corporate Social Responsibility Clinic.

Advanced Human Rights Advocacy Seminar

This seminar is open to former Crowley Scholars by invitation only. Students will work on a follow up advoc...

Advanced Topics in Human Rights

This seminar is open to students who have spent the summer as Leitner Fellows working with international hu...

Civil Rights: 9/11 & Non-Citizens

The primary focus of the course will be a straight academic assessment of the legality of the government...

Constitutional Rights and Human Rights

As a bridge between theory and practice, the seminar will examine the history, theory, and sources of right...

Crowley Human Rights Seminar

Unique among American law schools, the Crowley Program’s Annual Human Rights Fact-Finding Project pro...

European Human Rights Law

The first part of the course will examine the changing framework of human rights protection within each of ...

Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights

This seminar explores the intersection of gender and sexuality with the international human rights regime. ...

Human Rights, Holocaust and The Law

The course will include the debate over the definition of human rights, the legal mechanisms for enforcing ...

International and Interethnic Conflict Resolution

Students will examine several dispute resolution processes for the resolution of interethnic conflict and c...

International Environmental Law

This course aims to offer an overview of international environmental law to allow students to familiarise t...

International Human Rights

This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of international human rights law, as well ...

International Human Rights and Democratic Theory

This seminar will examine the democratic legitimacy of international human rights law. In the years since W...

International Human Rights Clinic Seminar

This 2 credit seminar is required for students enrolled in Walter Leitner International Human Rights Clinic...

International Investment Law

The course will explore the role of private foreign investment as a vehicle for economic development in dev...

International Law

This course provides a general introduction to international law and to the principal current concerns in t...

International Law & Development in Africa

This clinic course will provide the opportunity for you, as a Fordham law student, to bring the achievement...

International Law of Development

The course is designed to give an overview of the international legal rules on development and poverty erad...

International Organizations

After a brief introductory discussion of the history, common characteristics, and problems of international...

Law and Policy of Climate Change

This course will provide an overview of the problem of global climate change and the applicable laws, inclu...

Law of War and International Criminal Courts

A historical survey of international humanitarian law and the prosecution to war criminals will be consider...

Legal Advocacy & Human Rights in China

Through this seminar, students will explore how Chinese public interest lawyers navigate the Chinese legal ...

Nuclear Weapons and International Law

The course will focus upon such matters as the following: applicable rules of international law, as articul...

Prosecution of Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity: International Tribunals and Case Law

This course examines the international and semi-international institutions established to prosecute genocid...

The UN Security Council and Enforcement of the UN Charter

This seminar considers the structure and decision-making processes of the Security Council and the mechanis...

Transnational Business and Human Rights

This seminar explores a variety of dimensions of the multifaceted intersection of business and human rights...

leitner center law, law new york school
Leitner Center for International Law and Justice
Fordham University School of Law
150 West 62nd Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10023 USA

Email: LeitnerCenter@law.fordham.edu
Telephone: 212.636.6862
more contact information
Faculty and Staff
Larry Bridgett
Faculty Support

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